Tuesday 30 March 2010


So beyond all expectations i seem to have found someone to rival lil wayne in his self bedizenment his name is David Allen Coe and he's an American outlaw country music singer. Most of his songs are awesome all about Willlie Nelson and the gang, some of them are racist tho which is not very cool, middle America is still wonky like that. They seriously love Jesus over there too, there's a helluva lotta churches and 'I heart jesus' air fresheners for your car are two a penny.

'The old man was covered with tattoos and scars
He got some in prison and others in bars
The rest he got workin' on old junk cars in the daytime
They looked like tombstones in our yard
And I never seen him when he wasn't tired and mean'

So Coe has the piercings, lots, tats, lots, none on his face but he has got pink hair and sometimes its green. However i feel the crowning glory may be the dread locked and beaded beard. BOOM he's a hard muttha fucker. Never mess with him of he'll nail your ass to his guitar and play a whole set while you're bleeding to death.

This is not his daughter.


Unknown said...

Hello can you tell me who the artist is in the first picture with Coe? USed to listen to his music a little while back and trying to find out his name, or his bands name and can't seem to find anything. Thanks

Unknown said...

Yeah that guy had a great question...who is this man?!?!?!?